About me

Hello! I’m Dave and my pronouns are he/him. This is a “not suitable for work” blog that will hold some of my photography and my thoughts, feelings and experiences around sex and sexuality.

A bit of background. I’m 53 and I’m bisexual. I was born with Spina Bifida, a condition where the spine doesn’t properly develop before birth. This leads to nerve impairment and loss of function. How severe this is depends on how high up the spine the damage is. I’m fairly fortunate that my damage is quite low so I can still walk after a fashion although I can’t really feel my feet. As a result of this I suffered some damage and ended up losing my left leg below the knee in 1999. Now I use a wheelchair for getting around outside of the house.

There are a lot of odd perceptions about disability and sex and growing up the amount of useful sex education I got was effectively zero. I thought I’d blog to be frank about things as I see them, my experiences and things I’ve learned.

I also like photography so will be including photos I’ve taken of myself and others both with my ‘serious’ camera and the universal phone camera.

Feel free to ask any questions and I’ll answer any I can.

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